The Centre for Socio-Eco-Nomic Development (CSEND), the parent organisation of AdeQuaTE is conducting an Employee Turnover Survey on behalf of the Confederation of Indian Industry.
This survey is being carried out to collect a variety of opinions from Indian enterprises and reflections on the cause of current labour turnover or attrition. Information obtained in the survey will only be reported in an aggregated format without any potentially identifiable descriptions connected to individual respondents. Your participation as well as reponses will be assured of confidentiality.
Information gathered will be presented during the upcoming “National Seminar on Employee Retention”, organised by the Confederation of Indian Industry on the 4th December 2007 in Delhi. Centre for Socio Eco-Nomic Development is the knowledge partner for this seminar.
Survey results will be published jointly by the Centre for Socio-Eco-Nomic Development and the Confederation of Indian Industries in 2008.